David S. Farve "Best Student Note" Award
All student notes are considered for the David S. Farve "Best Student Note" Award, which is awarded for each edition of the Journal. It is accompanied by a limited edition, signed copy of Professor Farve's Animal Law Book published by Aspen Publishers/Wolters Kluwer. The book contains a personal congratulatory note from Professor Farve.Mary Ann Norman Memorial Animal Law Fellowship
Thanks to the graciousness of the Norman Family, we are now offering the annual Mary Ann Norman Memorial Animal Law Fellowship for an individual to attend the annual MSBA Mid-Atlantic Animal Law Symposium. For Journal staff members, this responsibility is entirely aside from staff duties on the Journal. The Fellow will attend the Symposium and draft an article covering and analyzing the legal topics discussed at the Symposium as well as a first-hand "personal experience" article for the Symposium's website. The Fellow is awarded a $100 stipend which covers the cost of attending the Symposium ($10 for students), any related expenses, and the remainder as an honorarium for the work submitted to the Journal.For Volume 1, 2012, our Fellow is Kathleen Kennedy, a 3L student at the University of Maryland School of Law.